Attached below is a list with all of our error codes
['001'] => 'Pattern code must be an integer';
['002'] => 'Pattern code is not exist - please check the patterns codes list';
['003'] => 'Langauge must be a string and contain up to 3 charcters';
['004'] => 'Language is not exist - please check the langauges list';
['005'] => 'Writing Style must be an integer';
['006'] => 'You must have an API Key';
['007'] => 'You must have a valid API Key';
['008'] => 'Writing Style is not exist - please check the writing styles list';
['009'] => 'Pull Method is not exist - please check the pull methods list';
['010'] => 'Freshness Frequency is not exist - please check the freshness frequency list';
['011'] => 'Writing voice is not exist - please check the writing voices list';
['012'] => 'Quote category must be a text starting with capital letter';
['013'] => 'Quote category is not exist - please check the Quote categories list';
['014'] => 'Time must be an integer';
['015'] => 'Time is not exist - please check the times list';
['016'] => 'You must generate API Key / IP adress must match on Settings page';
['017'] => 'Unauthorized domain';
['018'] => 'CTA code must be an integer';
['019'] => 'CTA code is not exist - please check the CTAs list';
['020'] => 'Humanitarian code must be an integer';
['021'] => 'Humanitarian code is not exist - please check the humanitarians ids list';